Rooted to Rise: New Era of Canterbury Athletics

The Canterbury Athletic Department is 'Rooted to Rise' this athletic year, embracing a new mindset by reaching out, holding each other up and rising together.
The athletic department unveiled its new mantra, spearheaded by Matt Booth, Dean of Athletics, at its inaugural Athletics Back-to-School Night on Friday, August 11.

The first-time event gave all Upper School perspective student-athletes and their parents an inside look into all Canterbury Athletics has to offer, including a presentation by Coach Booth on the vision for Canterbury Athletics this year and for years to come. 

Here's a glimpse into what Coach Booth shared:

When we sat down to create our vision statement, we wanted to look beyond the tactics, the strategies, and the scoreboard. We wanted to create a vision that looked to have an impact beyond ourselves, to push each other to new heights, and to discover better versions of ourselves along the way.

This year our vision for everyone involved in our Athletic Department (coaches, student-athletes, parents, teachers and staff alike), is to "create an environment where competitive greatness is achieved and the best versions of ourselves are discovered."

It is going to be an amazing year as we pursue our vision every single day as a collective group and family!