TECH TALK - The Social Institute: Laura Tierney

Ellenberg Library
On Monday, October 2, at 5:30 p.m., The Social Institute Founder and CEO, Laura Tierney will present via Zoom on Empowering Your Child to Navigate Well-Being, Social Media, and Technology in Positive, High-Character Ways. We welcome parents to join us for the presentation in our Ellenberg Library or watch anywhere via Zoom. 
Now, more than ever, students’ well-being is deeply shaped by their social world, including social media and technology, whether or not they own a device. In this presentation, The Social Institute will share actionable tips and best practices to help your child(ren) make healthy, high-character choices, online and off.
In this interactive workshop, you will learn:

- Strategies to build trust with your child(ren) through regular, open conversations
- How to develop family standards for balancing technology in healthy ways
- Pro tips for easing your child(ren) into technology and social media
- The most popular apps and devices among students
Special thanks to Entech for sponsoring this important event!