MUN Wins Outstanding Delegation Award

Canterbury's Model United Nations team traveled to Washington D.C. over winter break to compete in the North American Invitational Model United Nations Conference (NAIMUN LXI).
Hosted by Georgetown University, NAIMUN is recognized as one of the world's largest and most competitive student-run Model United Nations conferences. The Conference attracts over 3,300 of the best delegates from around the globe; NAIMUN is known as the "high school championship" of the Model UN circuit. Canterbury's team had an impressive performance at the conference, winning the Outstanding Small Delegation Award!
Michaela F. (‘24) represented Claiborne Pell in the Taiwan Strait Crisis: US Defense Policy Board committee. In this 5-way joint committee, delegates tackled internal military policy in 1993 while combatting ever-evolving international tensions involving numerous regions. Michaela worked to improve educational initiatives and inclusivity within the military while preparing forces and mitigating conflicts in the Taiwan region. In personal directives, Michaela worked to manipulate familial connections to gain power, including installing herself as the monarch of Austria. Michaela was awarded Best Delegate for her efforts. Congratulations, Michaela!

Alexa G. (‘24) represented the New York Times in the Press Corps committee. Over the course of the weekend, she covered the Taiwan Strait Crisis: US Defense Policy Board committee, writing breaking news articles, investigative pieces, and social media posts to inform NAIMUN delegates about the happenings in the committee. Her creations were posted in the NAIMUN daily, where they are accessible to the general public. In the spirit of representing the New York Times, she also created many themed games, like a mini crossword, wordle, and connections, that were both fun and informative. Alexa received the Outstanding Delegate award for her efforts. Great job, Alexa!
Olivia T. (‘25) and Tegan F. (‘26) represented Ireland in the Commission of the Status of Women committee, and focused on Topic A, the Feminization of Poverty. They collaborated on a block named, “SWIFT” which aided women by publicly challenging social norms and increasing opportunities for education. They eventually merged with other papers to form the “LES” plan, which passed and was able to holistically provide aid to women through finances, healthcare, education, and social media campaigns. They received the Outstanding Delegate award for their efforts. Congratulations Olivia and Tegan!
Bo H. (‘24) represented Ireland in CSTD, the UN’s Commission of Science and Technology for Development. In this committee, delegates worked to increase female participation in STEM fields through various initiatives aimed at fostering inclusion. Bo worked with other delegates to develop solutions to this central issue, particularly supporting efforts to shift the STEM workforce culture and promote STEM education throughout both secondary school and University.
Grady L. (‘24) played the role of Lou Hoover on the side of the 8 nations alliance in the JCC Boxer Rebellion. During this time Lou divorced Herbert Hoover and started a feminist movement in order to get 50% of his assets. Lou then stages a fake kidnapping to defect over to the Chinese court. There Lou ran for president, but was universally threatened with deportation if it continued. Lou then became a part of a breakaway state, and then the president of this state. After the defeat of the breakaway state Lou moved to Taiwan to escape execution.
Kyle F. (‘25) Focused on fixing the usage of water weaponization around the world. Representing Ireland, he led his bloc with the focus on finding water independence and possible detection systems and development to help countries worldwide.
Laith A. (‘25) represented Russ Colaco in the JBS Board of Directors committee. Laith faced many challenges as the CFO of such a corrupt Brazilian company. He pushed for new plant based meat projects and negotiations for the abandonment of government embargoes. Through all this Laith spent time bettering his name to the Brazilian people, creating a very successful fried chicken restaurant, buying out the Brazilian soccer team, and being elected president of the country. Laith ended the committee by forming a new steak company called Big Brazilian Company(BBC) and buying out all of his rivals. Great Job Laith!
Preston F. (‘25) and Kaden K. (‘26) represented the nation of Ireland in the International Organization for Migration. The duo became the only people to be leaders of two blocs with both papers passing. They wrote one of the main clauses of both papers, and were very successful in committee! Great job Preston and Kaden!
Zoe M. (‘26) represented Qatar in DISEC committee, debating the topics  “Water Weaponization” and “Addressing Remnants and Effects of Armed Conflicts”. Through collaboration with other nations such as Laos and Armenia in the CLEAN block, Zoe worked to aid in infrastructure, education, desalination, and accountability solutions with a main focus on the infrastructure and desalination sections. Zoe became a sponsor on the resolution paper, merging with another bloc (UMBRELLA) that shared similar ideas. This paper was one of two papers that passed. Zoe was successfully able to demonstrate her public speaking and research and collaboration skills shown among the over 100 delegates in her committee.